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Author Archives: Errol

Comic 507 – “#P4A” (#NaNoWriMo!)

Comic 507 – “#P4A” (#NaNoWriMo!)

Errol: This should have been easy, the video was the hard part. However, admittedly, I was confused too! This is our first year, and I think everyone already knows what they have to do. But we are noobs, and we’re confused. Ah well. From their site: “The Project for Awesome is an annual event that… Continue

Comic 506 – “Set Length”

Comic 506 – “Set Length”

  Errol: Debs and I always argue about this one. She’s always right when it comes to estimating set length though. I always want to sing more songs. Here’s the Facebook Event if you missed it! Debs: Maybe they’re let us to do 2 and 2? Continue

Comic 504 – “Witness”

Comic 504 – “Witness”

  Errol: Manpans, Brian and I were all on Skype last night after a harrowing game of Terraria. I needed to get going because the comic was not done yet, and the above happened. Poor Manpans and her guilt. Sometimes I exaggerate, sometimes I don’t. This is one of the “dont’s”. We will return to… Continue

Comic 503 – “Verse Problems”

Comic 503 – “Verse Problems”

Errol: Poor Debs. As I’ve said, when it comes to songwriting, Debs is better at music, I’m better at lyrics. Of course, she’ll still change all my lyrics, but hey. And I’ve settled on the new comic time: 8am EST. So, hopefully these comics will be updated by then. 😀 Debs: Hmmm….I honestly don’t think I’m… Continue

Suggest Comic Bios!

I am finally getting around to comic bios! Huzzah! I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile, but things got busy. However now that the site is stable, I can get this going again. I have put four principle characters in the bio, but I would like to put EVERY character, with a link to… Continue