Errol: I noticed this yesterday. Poor Totoro.
Debs: Huh. I’m surprised that the Choose Your Own Adventure comic isn’t in the top 10. Continue
Errol: Yes. I saw the LEGO movie and I thought it was awesome. Very boy centric though. Now I want to go back to Stop Motion Animation. Continue
Errol: Continuing the theme of getting everyone mad at me, here’s today’s Valentine’s Day comic. Continue
Errol: Ha ha, Comic Errol is jealous! ^_^ To be fair, Debs is pretty awesome. A lot of people do like the Debs! I’m sure something like this happened after the concert.
Debs: No it didn’t, Errol!! Comic Debs and real Debs completely deviate here because reading this makes real Debs cringe. Continue
Errol: I talk about creative flow in our Creativity Panels. I find it fascinating. ^_^ Continue
Errol: I make it difficult for actors to find a cue when I start going off on tangents when I deliver scripts… Continue
Errol: To be fair, we did not need to memorize our parts for the opening ceremonies. I eventually did, because I was on crutches and didn’t want to try and read from crutches. Fortunately, we had small parts.
Manpans: And I have hit an official rock bottom. I felt guilty for a creative choice that I had no part of. Go me. Continue
Errol: For those of you who have no idea what’s happening, last November we were Guests at a convention in Portland, Oregon called Orycon. I was on crutches because I sprained my foot. And when the border is white, the comic is in the past. When the border is black, the comic is in present day.
Now you’re all caught up. Ok, not really. Continue
Errol: During our visit to Portland, we checked out Powell’s Books. It was pretty amazing. I do love just hanging out in bookstores. I probably should post pictures.
Debs: A picture! I found a picture! These comics make me miss Portland. Continue