Errol: I gave my Yakko finger puppet to Rob Paulsen and wrote a little bit about it on my knitting blog. Did I mention he was very nice? All three of us were pretty star struck. And yes, this is a Sunday comic. Just trying to get them all in. Happy Easter! Debs: He did… Continue
Errol: I can’t wait to get to these panels! 😀 I am so excited for Con-G! Continue
Errol: Last night was a load of fun with all sorts of people! The night was hosted by The Dandies and we got to hang out with The Sufferettes, Devon Hyland, Jeff Clark and Kerl! I don’t know if the others had webpages, I looked and couldn’t find them. 🙁 Debs: And there was beer and… Continue
Errol: BTW, yesterday was crazy fun. 😀 Debs: Hey, that last panel isn’t fair. I do tell you that your songs are awesome! You on the other hand are too busy commenting and tweeting to give me any actual feedback. 😛 Continue
Errol: You know what’s awesome about this totoro shaker? It glows in the dark too. Although, I think all of you have seen that now, haven’t you. It’s still fun for me… Manda: The moment Errol finished this, his children immediately tried to take it as their own. It was pretty hilarious to watch the… Continue
Errol: We eventually want to put out a new CD, so I guess we should write more songs. 😀 However, if you’re on this website, I guess you’ll be getting sneak peeks of those songs. 😀 Debs: This song is the most awful earworm ever. Continue
Errol: My Filk friend Phil pointed this out, my video was longer than the song I reviewed. It is kinda funny, that. I don’t know why I do it. Actually, it’s so I can knit and not type. 😀 Continue
Errol: So much stuff. However, this Sunday is the Bakka Filk Circle in Toronto from 12 – 5:30pm, and then the Debs & Errol Google Hangout Concert at 7pm, and then 3 Geeks in a Pod at 8pm. A link will be provided, but more than likely will be at: http://debsanderrol.com/3gp Crazy. Debs: Well, except for… Continue
Errol: I always have fun things to comic about, but other fun things happen too. For example, this conversation with Debs. She wanted it to be a comic. I agreed. 😀 But I also wanted to talk about Spintunes. And I wanted to talk about FAWM. And I wanted to talk about the Filk circle… Continue